Past Simple Picture Game
Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Übungseinheit zum Thema "Past Simple Picture Game", die sich direkt an Schülerinnen und Schüler richtet.
Geeignet für die Jahrgänge 7 und 8.
Das zugehörige Arbeitsblatt mit Lösung steht in der rechten Spalte zum Download bereit.
Phase 1: warming-up
Do you know these actions?
Match the verbs with the phrases.
Check your answers with the help of the solutions.
Do task 2a or 2b. Work with a partner or some classmates (online with a mobile). Or with a parent or with somebody else online.
Worksheet 1 with solutions (Past Simple Picture Game: actions, Arbeitsblatt rechte Spalte)
Phase 2: Hinführung
Watch the following video until 7:51.
Try to guess the answer to the 20 questions to the pictures while you are watching the video. Were you right or wrong? Look at the answer.
Watch the video for a second time until 7.51.
Now try to give the correct answer and check your answer with the given answer after each picture.
Phase 3: Sicherung
Watch the following video from 7.51 until the end.
Watch the rest of the video.
Try to give the correct answer. Talk loudly to yourself.
Check your answer with the solution.
If you need some help, you can watch the video again and also take some notes.
Phase 4: Transfer
Make your own “Simple Past Picture Game”!
Take at least three pictures like in the video or choose three pictures that you have found.
Ask 2 questions about the picture like in the video:
“Did he/she/it … or …..?
Also give the answers like in the video.
(You can write the questions and the answers down or you can record them on your mobile.)
You can also prepare a short presentation ( e.g. powerpoint).
Show your pictures and the questions to somebody at home or send them to somebody.
The person should guess the answer.
Now show your answers to the person.
Bereitgestellt von: Fachberatung Englisch, 04.2020