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Regional School and Education Department Hannover

The Regional School and Education Department (RLSB) Hannover is responsible for approximately 710 schools and 14 teacher training colleges with over 27,000 state employees in the region of Hannover and the districts of Diepholz, Hameln-Pyrmont, Hildesheim, Holzminden, Nienburg/Weser and Schaumburg.


Mathias Mierowski


Regionales Landesamt für Schule und Bildung Hannover
Mailänder Straße 2
30539 Hannover

Postal Address

Regionales Landesamt für Schule und Bildung Hannover
PO Box 11 01 22
30856 Laatzen

Telephone / Fax / Email

Telephone: 0511 106-6000
Fax: 0511 106-992870
Email: [email protected]

Authority management

Mathias Mierowski

RLSB Hannover - we are more than an authority

As the head of the Regional School and Education Department (RLSB) Hannover, I am pleased that you are interested in the services we offer.

 "More than an authority" is our motto.

We are the link between the Ministry of Education and the schools and see ourselves as a partner for schools and teacher training colleges in our area of responsibility.

The Regional School and Education Department Hannover is an employer with a wide scope and many opportunities for development. We are characterised by a distinctive culture of dialogue and collaboration of all departments and specialist areas. As the head of the authority, I value the trusting and competent cooperation of all employees.

The area of early childhood education is of particular importance to us and has its own department in the RLSB Hannover. This department has state-wide responsibility for supervising and advising the providers of day care facilities and for granting financial aid and subsidies.

In recognition of our long-term commitment to maintain a family-friendly policy, we have been awarded the audit “Beruf und Familie” certificate.

There are various health-awareness offers available to our employees.

You can find out more about our office and the variety of services we offer by clicking on the links below.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with your concerns. We are at your disposal.


Mathias Mierowski

The RLSB Hannover has its headquarters in Mailänder Straße in Hannover. In addition to the branch offices in Holzminden and Syke, there are four language education centres in Hannover (city and region), Schaumburg and Hildesheim as well as seven regional advisory and support centres for inclusive schools.


The RLSB Hannover sees itself as a service provider and has a very broad range of services with seven departments as well as the staff unit Occupational Health and Safety and the counselling centre “Care”. The counselling and support services that accompany schools and teacher training colleges on request are also highly valued. Enquiries are processed by three regional counselling teams (RBTs) in a multi-professional manner and forwarded to the relevant professions.

Offices in Hannover

Mailänder Straße 2, 30539 Hannover

Dezernat 1
Dezernat 2
Dezernat 3
Dezernat 4
Dezernat Frühkindliche Bildung
Dezernat Z

Expo Plaza 11, 30539 Hannover

Dezernat 5 (Schulpsychologie)

Bertastraße 11, 30159 Hannover

Stabsstelle AuG

Sub-office Holzminden

Dezernat 2 und Dezernat 5

Bürgermeister-Schrader-Str. 17a
37603 Holzminden

Tel.: 05531 9369-0
Fax: 0511 106-992857

Sub-office Syke

Dezernat 2 und Dezernat 5

Am Feuerwehrturm 19
28857 Syke

Tel.: 04242 78073-20
Fax: 0511 106-992858

Außenstellen des Dezernats Frühkindliche Bildung, Fachbereich II

Fachdienst Hannover

Bertastraße 11, 30159 Hannover

Fachdienst Braunschweig

Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 21, 38102 Braunschweig

Fachdienst Lüneburg

Auf der Hude 2, 21339 Lüneburg

Fachdienst Oldenburg

Theodor-Tantzen Platz 8, 26122 Oldenburg